The Holy Spirit in America - guest comment by David Andrade
Many say that America stands at its tipping point.
I hear the words A Line is being Drawn In The Sand by many over and over concerning where America and the World will stand in the near future.
Yes, we are at a pivot, and the elections will reveal where believers stand on many issues?
Some sense that debate and negotiations are the answer to the world problems, others that we are on a steady decline and there is not more that can be done and some are proclaiming judgment.
I say, we are at one of the greatest moments in the History of the Church. And that it is a moment when our God will arise but not by reasoning and debate but rather as the church sets its eyes on what gives the Father pleasure, the harvest. I like many reading this monologue once lived on a course that opposed God and is no different that most Americans and the world today. I loved the party life and all that came with it, until one day, I met Jesus. Until that moment, I was as religious as most, until one moment I was born again from the inside out. All at once, most of the before life was interrupted by a nature encounter with the living God.
In a moment that which I once loved to do, was passed for a new love for Him with a heart set on His Kingdom and nature. My brothers and sister, we are not going to change the world and its direction through debate or trying to change peoples mind. The only way this world is going to change is as people are born-again, and empowered to be His witness through the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.
My brothers and sisters. In the few minutes that i have taken to share this appeal, thousands have entered into eternity without Christ, with no chance of ever knowing the goodnes and faithfulness of a God that loves them our what Jesus did so that they can have relationship with the father.
Just a few moments in the last 100 yrs.
WELSH REVIVAL -1904-1905
In the early nineteen hundreds the church rose up to fast, pray and seek God for a restoration visitation. In 1904, the Welsh Revival broke forth in a small coal miners town. This restoration revival of the Spirit moved over the face of the entire earth after which smoldering pockets of revival emerged in small churches and cells throughout America. For years, there remained expectancy in the hearts of people that “God was about to move again”. In 1896, a small group of people gathered in North Carolina and God opened “Heaven’s door”. An outpouring of the Spirit shook them as the little bunch began to prophecy and speak in new tongues. Later in 1901, God moved again among another handful of believers in Topeka, Kansas and Charles Parham . These events staged the beginning of a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit that would change the look of Christianity over the face of the whole earth. A few years later, the fires of God continued to smolder in small gatherings until an appointed moment on God’s time clock.
In the early years of the 1900′s in Los Angeles, California, a great Holy Spirit encounter began in a small living room on Bonnie Brae Street. So great was the stir of the Holy Spirit power that the street soon filled with thousands waiting to hear and see what God was doing. The word moved quickly as thousands slept on the streets to get a glimpse of William Seymour and receive the power of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit that continually left visitors drunk in the Spirit on the streets for hours. Seymour and the small band of Holy Spirit filled followers soon needed room to accommodate the hundreds sometime thousands of visitors that waited day and night to get close enough to the little house. They soon occupied a facility on Azusa Street, giving rise to the name, The Azusa Street Revival. The word of this God visitation spread rapidly across the United States of America. As the gold rush summoned many to the expectation of riches in San Francisco, God did not disappoint those that came from around the globe to receive a touch from Him. They had come for a trickle of water and instead received a river gushing from their bellies. Endowed with the power and the fullness of the Holy Ghost, they returned to their hamlets, gathering believers, to share with them concerning what had happened. They were pleasantly surprised to find that as they gave testimony to the events, others received this Holy Spirit experience. As a result, Holy Spirit filled believers began to gather in homes all across America, making great, anointed preachers out of no-name-bodies. Other prior revivals had stirred the intellect of man. This revival was an external display of Holy Ghost power and His work in them. Men and women were shaken, speaking in “unknown tongues” and “prophesying,” seeing visions, angels and receiving deep God experiences that moved them to greater hunger and desperation for God, moving in the gifts and revelation of the Spirit and imparting the Baptism of the Holy Spirit to others. Many seeking the deeper things of God were excommunicated from denominational Churches that had enjoyed previous restoration revival movements. The central doctrine of this new Pentecostal movement was the “Baptism of the Holy Spirit” with the evidence of speaking in an “unknown tongue.” Many new Pentecostal denominations began to rise as a result. The new movement emphasized the Pentecost experience at the birth of the early Church and the completion of the great commission to go to the world and tell every creature. Again.
Over 650 million born-agin believers attribute their roots to a small group of 12 individuals and their relentless pursuit in intercession to take hold of the Acts 2:38 promise of the Father.
On Oct 27th 2012 The nations will gather again as they did at the Rose Bowl on 11.11.11 to cry out to our God for global Holy Spirit outpouring that will change our world for another 100 years.
Our there at least 12 that will take hold of this Last day promise, and seek our God on behalf of our loved ones, neighbors and friends to see his glory poured out over the face of the earth.
The place: The Faith Dome, 7901 S. Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90044
At 10am-6pm
Other encounters that weekend include:
Habakkuk 2:14 For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea. Acts 2:38 Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized,AX)" every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins.AY)" And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.AZ)" 39 The promise is for you and your childrenBA)" and for all who are far offBB)"—for all whom the Lord our God will call.”
Please come to:
Friday, Oct 26th @ the Rose Bowl 6pm - 10pm
A Time of Preparation, Intercession and worship for the
The Faith Dome Encounter
1001 Rose Bowl Dr
Pasadena, Ca 91103
Sunday Oct 28th2012 @ Mott Auditorium 5:11 pm – 9:11pm
Open Heaven Gathering
Time: Sunday evening,
William Carey International University (on campus southeast side)
1539 East Howard Street
Pasadena, California 91104
The Spirit and the Bride says come.
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