Friday, January 8, 2010

Faith and Works Ministry, San Diego

Faith and Works Ministry in San Diego is having this event at the end of the month. It is worthy of a look:
In A Minute of Margin: Restoring Balance To Busy Lives, Richard A. Swenson, M.D. states, "Margin is like oxygen-everybody needs some. If we have too little, we suffer from shortage. If we have too much the excess will not benefit us additionally. But having the right amount permits us to breathe freely. Margin is a space, specifically the space between our load and our limits. It is this space that enhances vitality and resilience. It is this space where healing occurs, where our batteries are recharged, where our relationships are nourished, and where wisdom is found. Without margin, both rest and contemplation are but theoretical concepts, unaffordable and unrealistic. Please join us as we explore issues of life balance through a lens that will ultimately enable you to be more fruitful, caring, and joyful in your daily work and life.
Date: Saturday, January 30 from 9 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Location: University of San Diego Joan Kroc Center, Conference Rooms C,D
Cost: $15 (cash or check-pay at the door)

John M. Wheeler, Executive Consultant to CEO's and business owners and San Diego Convene Chair, John's extensive experience includes organizational and key leader development.
Caye Barton Smith, Psy.D., Vice President for Student Development, Point Loma Nazarene University, Caye has an impressive background leading health and wellness initiatives as well as personal insights as a busy working mom.

Joon S. Han, Founder Better San Diego, Joon has been challenging and inspiring groups for over 20 years seeing leaders grow from very busy to very effective.

For further details, visit our website at and click on events.
faith and work ministry | 5910 rancho mission rd. #41 | san diego | CA | 92108

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