Thursday, June 27, 2013

Worship for the Nations

Worship For The Nations

Saturday, June 29, 2013 - Worship Starts at 5:45 p.m. with a Break and another set at 7:00 p.m.

Brings your Bibles, Journals, Paper and Pens.

Recreational Music Center, 2590 Truxtun Rd., Suite 104. at Liberty Station in San Diego. We are located in the building diagonally across from North Chapel in Liberty Station. Parking available in the VONS parking lot

Human Trafficking Updates


Bilateral Safety Corridor Coalition will be providing updates to the media and service providers on the regions hottest spots for trafficking.   We will be focusing on the southern region of San Diego where we believe the heaviest activity is at this time. In addition, we will be providing information on other regions in our community.

Executive Director Marisa Ugarte is available for interviews.  In addition, the event will be taking place
at the BSCC offices which include the Journey Thrift Store which raises money for the non-profit BSCC and the
Journey Trafficking Library This new, first of its kind resource center, can be used by students and others wishing to understand the issues involved in human trafficking.

This media availability is Friday, June 28th at  241 National City Blvd, National City, CA.91950 
Please call to confirm your interview.  (619)-336-0770