Thursday, November 4, 2010

Visit Us at the Fair!

Good News, etc. is mixing with the marketplace! We are excited to team up with Business Prayer Team and Vista Healing Rooms this coming weekend for two outside street fairs.
One will be Saturday, November 6, in Escondido at Kit Carson Park for Justice Day. This event will be an outreach to bring awareness to homelessness, human trafficking and fair trade. The event goes from 2 to 7 pm. Special speaker Steven Cass at 7pm. Hear his story how he is rescuing young woman from the sex trade.
Then on Saturday, we will be at the largest street fair in the country - the Carlsbad Street Fair, on November 7th from sun up to sun down. We will be on Roosevelt just off from Carlsbad Village Drive, heading north.
Good News, etc. will be handing out papers to get more Good News out and to mix with the community. We would love to hear any ideas from our readers. Both prayer teams are excited to pray for people and let God minister to His people. Prayers for healing, personal and business needs will be heard.
In all things, give God the Glory!

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