Good News, etc. Newspaper is making an international impact . . . . .
Pastor Jim Garlow of Skyline Church recently shared an exciting story about the outreach of Good News, etc. newspaper.
“We just returned from five days at Oasis of Hope Hospital in Tijuana where Carol (his wife) was receiving treatment,” he said. “The April edition of Good News, etc. was there – very conspicuously displayed!”
He said that a Jewish woman, Ann Feinstein from Manhattan, New York (now living in Pennsylvania) was there with her mother. Her husband is owner of the Feinstein Co. that managed Michael Bolton and others.
“She picked up the paper, and became intrigued with it,” Garlow said. “She read everything – even the classifieds. She read the article on Carol’s cancer and thought to herself, ‘too bad this lady does not know about Oasis.’ Then she met Carol and was just stunned!
“She told me — on three occasions — how fascinated she was with the newspaper. Enthralled would be the better word. She loved it.
“As she read it, she was so moved, she said, that she had these thoughts of ‘Oh no! I am being converted!’”
The pastor didn’t say if indeed she took the next step, but she certainly would be someone to pray for salvation.
“It was a very intriguing conversation and I just wanted you to know,” Garlow said. “Way to go!”
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